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At Real Health Medical Center in Al Ain, our Neurosurgery department is a beacon of hope for patients seeking expert care for a wide range of neurological conditions. With cutting-edge technology and a team of seasoned neurosurgeons, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

Common Neurological Concerns:

  • Dizziness-Vertigo: Expert diagnosis and treatment for balance disorders and dizziness.
  • Discitis, Neck and Back Pain: Comprehensive care for spinal infections and pain management.
  • Muscle Spasm: Advanced treatments to alleviate muscle contractions and discomfort.
  • Brain Hemorrhages: Prompt and expert care for brain bleeding, ensuring patient safety and recovery.
  • Spondylosis: Addressing degenerative changes in the spine with both surgical and non-surgical treatments.
  • Memory Disorders & EEG-NCS: Comprehensive evaluation and management of cognitive disorders and advanced neurological testing.
  • Brain Tumors: Expert diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care for various brain tumors.
  • Walking Disorders & Paralysis: Tailored treatments to enhance mobility and address paralysis.
  • Epilepsy: Comprehensive care for seizure disorders, ensuring optimal management and quality of life.
  • Joints Pain & Sleep Disorders: Addressing musculoskeletal pain and sleep-related issues with a holistic approach.
  • Facial Palsy & Palsy of Peripheral Nerves: Expert care for nerve-related paralysis ensuring optimal recovery.
  • Chronic Headache – Migraine: Tailored treatments to manage and reduce the frequency and severity of headaches.
  • Trauma of Head-Skull & Brain: Immediate and expert care for head injuries, ensuring patient safety.
  • Trauma & Fracture of Vertebrae: Comprehensive care for spinal injuries, from diagnosis to rehabilitation.
  • Depression & Anxiety Disorders: Holistic care addressing the neurological aspects of mental health conditions.
  • Nerves Compression & Inflammation: Expert treatments to relieve nerve pain and address inflammation.
  • Cervical and Lumbar Disc Diseases: Advanced treatments like Discectomy by microscope & radio-frequency to address disc-related issues.
  • Spinal Cord Compressions and Inflammations: Comprehensive care to address spinal cord issues, ensuring patient mobility and well-being.

At Real Health Medical Center, our Neurosurgery department is dedicated to the well-being of our patients. With a blend of expertise, compassion, and innovation, we ensure that every patient receives the highest standard of care, paving the way for their recovery and enhanced quality of life.
